Host Holochain Apps

Host Holochain Apps

What is HoloPort?

HoloPort is a device aimed to host the decentralized internet. Any people is allowed to make money in the form of Holo Fuel by hosting the Holochain apps. Holo Fuel is the currency of the Holochain-based distributed and decentralized network.

Buy a HoloPort

Holoport has recently been available for purchase in three versions: HoloPort / HoloPort + / HoloPort Nano. Buy a HoloPort and become a host. Discover now the official HoloPort Store.

HoloHost Software

In the future it will also be possible to install the software directly on traditional computer or even a Raspberry PI to host applications.

You deserve a better Internet.

Invest in HoloFuel

Become an early investor in $HOT! a very promising project which could be the future of local and global fractal currencies. Welcome to the future of decentralization.

Buy HoloFuel